Description : JYOTI 555 THINNER
Jyoti 555 Thinner is a formulated thinner using selected organic solvents. The material does not contain by recipe substances listed in Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive (2002/95/EC).
Areas of Application
Jyoti 555 Thinner is suitable for thinning the following varnishes:
- Jyoti-555-FD Varnish
Properties of cured material
Jyoti 555 Thinner does not soften enamelled wire and at the same time evaporates before gelling of the varnish film starts, thus minimizing chances of entrapment ofsolvents in the cured varnish film. Thinner 555 is suggested for reducing the viscosity depending upon the application.
Addition ofJyoti 555 Thinner should be done under constant stirring to avoid separation of constituents of the varnish.